Dubbo is a growing regional center with a population of 52,445 (2016 census).
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Skillbuilders is for 6 to 12-year-old children. The program uses facilitator-led after-school and holiday activities to create opportunities for children to participate in, co-design, and share ownership of skill-enhancing and relationship-building activities. Children can explore age-appropriate activities that interest them and control their own level of participation. Participants attend by choice and can attend as often as they choose.
Apollo House: Due to COVID restrictions, please contact Apollo House for current programs.
School Holiday: calendars are available during school holiday period.
CONTACT: Johanna Leader or Mel Singh
Skillbuilders, Apollo House Collins Avenue DUBBO
P: 02 6881 8756
Educate, Enable, Empower
Individual consultation will be made available for families in the Dubbo community who cannot access early intervention due to several barriers such as visa status, funding or social disadvantage. In particular this focus is on babies that have been born prematurely. Migrant families are unable to access other services in this situation and unable to secure a NDIS plan. This program builds the capacity and skills of the parents/carers to be active participants in the essential early intervention for the child to live a full life. The physiotherapist checks in with the families to assist with monitoring developmental stages. This activity allows for referral into evidence-based programs and other direct service delivery activities with other Community Partners in Dubbo to support the parents as they find their way through this challenging time.
SibWorks is an early intervention peer support program for siblings of children with disabilities. SibWorks aims to reduce social isolation, enhance social networks, improve relationships between family members, and increase children’s resilience.
CONTACT: Merryn Anderson
74 Baird Drive, DUBBO
P: 6882 0599
Children aged 6 – 12 years
A universal parenting program for parents of children aged 3 – 10 years old. It aims to promote emotional development and prevent behaviour problems in young children by improving parents’ own emotional competence and teaching them emotion coaching skills. Tuning in to Kids is delivered in 6 x 2-hour weekly sessions by facilitators following a structured manual. The manual includes a range of resources, including handouts for parents (also on USB), and a USB demonstrating parenting skills. It is also possible to adapt the delivery of this program.
Smalltalk is a service enhancement that can be embedded within community-based supported playgroups. Designed for participating parents experiencing vulnerable circumstances with children aged 12-months to 4 years. Smalltalk aims to enhance the quality and quantity of parental communication and interaction with their children, provide a stimulating environment, enhance parental self-care, strengthen parent confidence, and build parental connectedness to their community.
CONTACT: Tyler Daley
80 Gipps Street, DUBBO
P: 6885 2353
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