
Coming together to provide a better future for all!

Communities for Children

CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes facilitates the program within the Local Government areas of Dubbo, Narromine and Wellington and works with communities to strengthen their capacity to support their families and children.

Children and their families will have access to appropriate and targeted services and agencies that meet their needs sensitively, flexibly and holistically.

For Providers

We partner with organizations to develop programs to strengthen and enhance parenting abilities and engage social networks enabling stronger communities.

Funded by the Australian Government, Communities for Children aims to improve outcomes for children
aged 0 to 12 years.

All children have the inherent right to good health, high quality education, and growing and developing in a safe and nurturing home

Community consultations were conducted within the Dubbo Site in 2022. These shaped the Communities for Children Community Strategic Plan

Communities for Children

CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes facilitates the program within the Local Government areas of Dubbo, Narromine and Wellington and works with communities to strengthen their capacity to support their families and children.

for families

All children have the inherent right to good health, high quality education, and growing and developing in a safe and nurturing home

for families

All children have the inherent right to good health, high quality education, and growing and developing in a safe and nurturing home

Our People

Funded by the Australian Government, Communities for Children aims to improve outcomes for children
aged 0 to 12 years.

Our Vision

All children have the inherent right to good health, high quality education, and growing and developing in a safe and nurturing home

Stratgic Plan

Community consultations were conducted within the Dubbo Site in 2014. These shaped the Communities for Children Community Strategic Plan

About Communities for Children

CatholicCare Wilcannia–Forbes facilitates the program within the Local Government areas of Dubbo, Narromine and Wellington and works with communities to strengthen their capacity to support their families and children aged from birth to 12 years.

Upcoming Events

CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes facilitates the program within the Local Government areas of Dubbo, Narromine and Wellington and works with communities to strengthen their capacity to support their families and children.

29 July

Free Skillbuilders Kids Club.

Open to all!

Held every Monday from 3:15pm to 4:15pm (from 29th July to 16th September 2024)

Location: Narromine Community Skills (139 Dandaloo Street)


30 July

Come join in the fun at Skillbuilders in Trangie.

Held every Tuesday afternoon.

23 July

Come along to Noah’s Ark Playgroup!

Activities include: Storytime and singing, arts and crafts. outdoor play and morning tea.


Time/Date: Every Tuesday 10:30am to 12pm

Location: Maxwell Street, Wellington NSW

Cost: FREE

22 July

Circle of Security 10 Week Program for Dads


Come along to our Circle of Security Dad’s Program which is a relationship-based parenting program. Sessions will be designed to support Dad’s (or men who play paternal roles) to:

  • Explore attachments
  • Build/maintain positive and secure relationships
  • Communicate emotions
  • Build confidence and capacity to be better men and fathers


Cost – Free

When – 10am to 12pm every Monday, commencing Monday 22nd July (morning tea will be provided)

Where – Uniting (1/80 Gipps Street, Dubbo). Transport can be provided if required.

Contact – Darren Toomey at Uniting, 02 6885 8888


The program is ran by Uniting as an early intervention support, and there are limited spaces available so contact Darren to book your place.
